Why Bio Metric Solutions
Biometrics refers to technologies that measure and analyses human physiological or behavioral characteristics for authentication or identification purposes.
With biometrics the access control factor is something you are, a measureable physiological or behavioral characteristic, which is often more difficult to fake, steal or immitate than a password or a key.
Widely used characteristics or biometric factors:
- Fingerprints
- Irises
- Voice Patterns
- Spatial geometry of the face
Product Category: Services > Product Name: Bio Metric Solutions
Product Description
We have delivered the fastest, most accurate, and most sophisticated yet reliable Biometric identification solutions across India. Biometric solutions we have been providing are Fingerprint recognition, Iris recognition, Face recognition, Voice recognition, Hand geometry recognition, Retina recognition
Bio Metric Solutions
Biometrics can be applied for fraud prevention, two-factor authentication or continuous authentication – verifying that a person is who he claims to be – and for identification – determining who is the person based on the measured biometric factor.
Behavioral Biometrics
Behavioral biometric verification methods include keystroke dynamics, gait analysis, voice ID, mouse use characteristics, signature analysis and cognitive biometrics.
Biometric Cards
Using smart cards with biometrics results in a trusted credential for authenticating an individual’s identity using one-to-one biometric verification.
Biometric Software
Biometric software allows for biometrics-based devices and the computers and networks they are connected to, to be interoperable and compatible with each other.
Biometrics Consultants
Biometric consultants can assist in identifying and assessing threats and security risks to your company and suggest the best solutions.
Border Management
Companies providing biometric services for national and immigration registries, and systems such as automated border control (ABC) kiosks, terminals and eGates used at borders and in airports.
Facial Recognition
A facial recognition system is a computer application for automatically identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video source.
Fingerprint Recognition
Fingerprint recognition or fingerprint authentication refers to the automated method of verifying a match between two human fingerprints.
What we assure in Bio Metric Solutions



Technical Skill

Easy Integration
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JoinIndia offers the most comprehensive & effective Biometric Solutions.
Pricing depends on case to case basis. For Details Feel Free to Connect on +91 8090606090, +91 9082844030